Full Name: Augusto D. Bengzon
Company: Ayala Land, Inc.
Job Title: Senior Vice President, Chief Finance Officer, Chief Compliance Officer & Treasurer
Augusto D. Bengzon, Filipino, joined ALI in December 2004 and currently serves as its Senior Vice President, Chief Finance Officer, Chief Compliance Officer & Treasurer. He is a Director of AREIT, Inc. and Treasurer of AyalaLand Logistics Holding Corp., publicly listed companies under the Ayala Group. His other significant positions include: Chairman of Aprisa Business Process Solutions Inc., Anvaya Cove Golf and Sports Club, Inc. and Anvaya Cove Beach and Nature Club, Inc.; Director and Chief Finance Officer of Altaraza Development Corporation; Director and Treasurer of ALI Eton Property Development Corp., Aurora Properties Inc., AyalaLand-Tagle Properties, Inc., Ceci Realty Inc., Philippine Integrated Energy Solutions Inc. and Vesta Property Holdings Inc.; Director of AG Counselors Corporation, Alviera Country Club Inc., Amicassa Process Solutions, Inc., Makati Development Corp., Northgate Hotel Ventures, Inc., Station Square East Commercial Corp. and Southcrest Hotel Ventures, Inc.; Comptroller of Nuevocentro, Inc.; Treasurer and Chief Finance Officer of Portico Land Corp.; Treasurer of Alabang Commercial Corporation, AKL Properties, Inc., Alveo Land Corp., Amaia Land Corp., Avida Land Corp., AyalaLand Premier Inc., Ayala Property Management Corporation, Bellavita Land Corp., BGNorth Properties, Inc., BGSouth Properties, Inc., BGWest Properties, Inc., Serendra Inc., The Suites at One Bonifacio High Street Condominium Corp. and Hero Foundation, Inc.; Assistant Treasurer of Ayala Greenfield Golf & Leisure Club, Inc. and Ayala Greenfield Development Corporation; Trustee of Philippine National Police Foundation, Inc.. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management from the Ateneo de Manila University and is a graduate of the Philippine Trust Institute. He was granted the Andres K. Roxas scholarship at the Asian Institute of Management where he received his Masters in Business Management degree.